Creating a Money Altar for Money and Prosperity Drawing Candle Spells

In my humblest opinion, if you do not have a yellow-gold, green candle or a red candle constantly burning in a special place for your finances, you’re not being true to yourself in the most basic of candle magic work. The burning of candles to bring a steady income, sustain additional income or even stabilizing the bank account as it stands at any given moment is a core necessity for you as a successful candle spell worker to accomplish.

Setting up a quiet or private place to do candle spell magic for money drawing success is not as hard at it might seem. All you need is a nightstand, small table or the top of a dresser. I have used the top of the bookcase on my side of the bed, so that I can look at it right before I go to bed each night and again each morning when I arise. I have the good luck of having the ‘money side’ of the bedroom according to Feng Shui standards, which is the far left corner of the room, so I have double power in that regards.

Here is my money drawing altar.

Money Drawing Altar

The bookcase is filled with all my metaphysical and religious books, since I like to read late into the night or wake in the middle of the night to read in silence. On this altar I have a Waterford crystal bowl with a fed lodestone surrounded by gold paper “hell money” bullion bars that I got at the Asian market. To the left I have a coffee can with a big eye that held coffee at one time that is filled every night with the coins in my purse. This is “emergency money”, like the two-days-before-payday-and-I-got-to-buy-food-kinda-thing. On top of that is my bowl with my Money Salt and my three Mojo Bags inside.

To the right, I have a framed picture of the 20 companies that make up the Dow Stock Exchange with a photo of me reading tarot cards, a triangle green money candle that I have not burned, and more cello wrapped old Chinese coins. Behind the red candle on the far right is an Oil Lamp with a wishbone holding a hanging “Wealth” mirror that reflects the candle flame across the room, where ironically my computer sits that I am using to type this blog post! I have a pile of Mardi Gras coins and a Rose Quartz crystal in front of the candle and the table scarf is made of fabric that has various denominations of greenbacks on it.

I hope you enjoyed my example of a Money Drawing Altar and I encourage you to take photos of your and send them in with explanations of the symbols of the items you place on your money altar.




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