Readers Question – Mixing Traditions with Honey Jars and Candle Spells


Readers, you be the judge!

Hi Jacqueline!

i lit up a candle for a love binding. the candle goes on top of a jar filled with honey, plant root, herbs, sand and cut out personal belongings such as pubic hair, pictures, pillow case to say the least… the work is for oshun. today is the fifth day which is oshuns favorite #. as i lit it the flame was high but nothing drastic. i also put some john the conquer incense. as i prayed the flame became even higher. it was amazing. the top of the wick became like a little black ball then the flame became almost bigger then the candle itself. all of a sudden the candle fell off the top of the jar. when i put it back the fire was still very high. and the wick had a little gold spark at the tip which turned into another little black ball. once the candle finished it left thick drip wax marks on top. i wish i would have taken a picture. nothing close has happened in the 4 days prior. i feel like the work may be kicking in but as far as the candle falling maybe my boyfriend resisting the actual work. what do you think?


OK…here’s my honest opinion (and I guess that is why you asked me, right?) First, I am confused as to why to mixed traditions to make a honey jar (without listing herbs and roots) and making it an offering to Ochun?

READERS: Ochun is the Yoruba goddess of love, sexuality, gold, prosperity and all the sweet things in life. Honey is her favorite offering of food – but there are others. Her offerings are done in a series of 5 – with this being the number associated with her – and today (Tuesday, April 21, 2009 would technically be the ‘fifth’ day of the candle burn). Ochun ( pronounced “oh-CHOON”) is sometimes spelled Oshun with an ‘s’ BUT there is no “sh” (like in ‘shell’) in the Yoruban pronunciation of her name. There is another God, Osun (pronounced “oh-SOON”) which also sometimes is confused with Ochun/proper pronounciation. The “sh as in shell” pronounciation is strictly latter day Latino-influenced pronounciation.

The thing that sounds quirky to me is that you are using a Conjure/Hoodoo/Rootwork practice (honey jar) and the Lukimi/Santeria practice of offerings to a Yoruba goddess? Are you familiar to the religion Lukimi/Santeria? Are you well studied in Conjure/Hoodoo/ Rootwork? Why mix practices?

For me, the candle falling off would be an indication of a non-acceptance of the offering or things will not work out as planned. The ultimate decision maker will be the boyfriends reaction to you. You will either see a heightened response to you in a more loving and sexual way or he will be acting the same.

Since there is no indication of roots and herbs named in your letter, I have no idea if they are the appropriate ones to use for you particular situation. Using the John the Conqueror incense is definitely a Conjure/Hoodoo/Rootwork thing.

You state that you ‘feel like the work may be kicking in’ then go with your feelings and watch for signs.


The blog site is for general questions about candles- their behavior, which oils to use on them and for spells – both mine that I have created and also yours to share. This site is not for consultation work, of which I do and I charge. Please keep your questions to candles specifically and do not ask me to second guess another spiritual workers work – that is for you to decide whether or not their candle burning, consultation and work that they do for you is effective. Listen to your heart. 🙂


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