New Moon in Gemini | May 24, 2009 – Understanding and Communication


This New Moon in Gemini occurs at 8:12 am E.D.T on Sunday, May 24, 2009. The Gemini Moon is a “Mutable” Air sign, meaning it can fluctuate between activity and passiveness, especially in the matters of logic, the powers of the mind and the intellect.

This is an excellent time for preparing your candle burning spells and making sure you have all the right ingredients. Re-think the instructions given to you and also reconsider other options. Now is the best opportunity for candle charging and infusing as your mental powers of creativity are at their highest capacity. This is the time to use logical thinking and keep emotions to a minimum.

If your students are taking their finals exams as they do at this time of the year, give them a boost by burning a yellow “Crown of Success” or “Crowning Glory” candle on their behalf on their exam days. Clean the candle as usual with lemon juice and anoint with “Crown of Success” or “Crowning Glory” condition and anointing oil and write their name and the name of the exams or the name of the teacher on a piece of white paper and place it under the candle. Always remember to place a lit candle in a fire proof dish.

You can purchase your Crown of Success products at

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whether it is a mojo bag, love charm, condition oil or custom blended oil, order all your candle burning needs  at Lucky Clover Spiritual Supply. Click here to go to their website!


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