Readers Questions | Can I Re-Use a Honey Jar?,

Many years ago, I prepared a honey jar spell. Can I use the same one for the same person or should I prepare a new one?

Thank you for your help


Yes if the basic feelings are still the same. You can ‘re-work’ it. Here is an example.

You meet Johnny and even if he is the ‘Leader of the Pack’, you love him so and want to be with him forever. You create a Honey Jar. You do your ‘thang’ with it and you get Johnny to park the motorcycle and put a ring on your finger. All is well in wedded bliss.

Then, maybe after a car, home and a few little Johnnys running around, you fall into a ‘love rut’ and you want to rekindle that hot and heavy stuff going on in the back of your Daddy’s T-Bird (convertible, no less!). You take out your original items, rinse it off in running water, keep everything that you can (cinnamon stick, petition paper, lodestones, photo or lick of hair – whatever) and rinse the honey down the drain.

Now re-write the petition paper, add new herbs, if necessary, maybe a fresh hair lock (nail clipping, soiled sexual fluid tissue) fresh honey and reseal. Please in fire-safe plate, cereal bowl or dish and burn candles as before.

Voila! Just make sure you don’t want any more little Johnnnys running around!

Now, if ya want to ‘kill tha bum’, don’t use it. If love is gone, and you got to start doing revenge work or child support candle work, take the original honey jar to the river, uncap, rinse in river water, undo everything (binding, strings, fish hooks) and release everything into the river (photos, lodestones, honey – all of it). Moving water carries it away (old tradition).

Good question and Good Luck!

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