Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – March 29, 2010 – Harsh Reality Sets In!

The Full Moon in Libra will occur at 10:25 pm E.S.T. on Monday, March 29, 2010. The Moon in Libra is considered a “Cardinal” Air Sign, and the energy is intellectual and innovative.

During this Moon’s lunation, look for the harsh reality of the situation to come to light. You have signed up for the long haul and it isn’t looking pretty. There is an air of brutality and coldheartedness in the air. Be humble and listen to those quivering solar plexus muscles and act on those instincts.

This is the time to burn reversible or releasing candles to rid yourself of funky negativity (and this time there is a lot around!) and shed off envy and jealousy that is starting to come into play at this time. People are worried about their futures and they are not understanding that this is a time of change and to shed the ‘old life’ for one anew. Change is scary and difficult for some people. It is time to “gird your loins” as the fella in “The Devil Wears Prada” when the boss, played by Meryl Streep, comes striking out of the elevator. Remember to count your blessings at the time and to lay low. Try not to have words with another or conflicts now.

After burning reversible and release candles for these next two weeks, when the Moon changes to New Moon status, start burning Fiery Wall of Protection candles to keep evil and negativity away.

The next New Moon will occur on April 14, 2010.

To order 3 reversible candles to be burned for you during this time, click this button to order:

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