Free Candle Spells | Research Website for Candle Spells and Supplies

The Free Candle Spells website is for myself and other readers to post successful spells, share the knowledge of oils, candles, herbs and philosophies, and ask general candle spell questions.

This site is not for asking for free help in the actual work that is required in returning a lost boyfriend or lover, getting a job or making someone move.

From time to time, I get desperate requests for ‘help’ with most of them want to work to be done for free or next to nothing. These are the requests of those who have not done the research in crafting their own candle spell.

In a nutshell, these are people who want someone to do the work, either because of their sympathies or because the one requesting the work does not have the confidence to do the work (and the research) themselves. Please note that these type of requests will never be posted, and more likely than not, not be answered.

Again, I am stressing that this is an informational only website for you to share your successful candle spells and read and question the candle spells that are already posted here. It is not a forum to ask for free help. These type of questions will be answered in a day or so, if not privately but in the website posts if the question deems to be beneficial to other readers.

I ask that all readers respect this and if the relationship, job or situation is worth the time invested in reading and doing the research, then ask a specific question about one of the candle spells or rituals philosophies listed here.

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