Free Candle Spells | New Year’s Eve Banishing Negativity Burn Ritual on December 31, 2011

Tea light petition candles and two black pillars begin the ritual

It is the end of the year and a challenging one for many of you. I am excited to announce my annual Banishing Negativity Burn Ritual on New Year’s Eve night, December 31, 2011.

The Banishing Negativity Burn came about because of clients who were having some tough times and people in their lives that were creating havoc and problems. this was a way to say ‘I have had enough!’ to certain individuals and situations so that they could begin the New Year with a clean slate. The ritual has grown and you may read about past Burning Negativity rituals by clicking here.

There are two ways to participate. The first one is if you have a specific tormentor or person who is giving you grief and you want that person to go away and get a taste of what they have been doing to you, them ordering a black poppet named in their honer is for you. This poppet, created by hand and stuffed with Spanish Moss and other herbs and roots, is consecrated in the person’s name and has a definite command to leave you alone pinned to it. The doll baby is then tossed upon the burning pyre that has been started from petition tea light candles, written petitions and a mix of sage, copal, myrrh and frankincense to become a burnt offering at midnight.

Black “doll baby” poppet with petition pinned to it

The cost of the black doll baby poppet is $25.00. You will receive photos of the creation of the doll baby throughout inception to burn after the ritual has been completed. If you have a certain someone who will not leave you alone and delights in giving you grief at work, home or in the community, order a doll baby poppet to be burned for them by clicking the button below. We have a limited number of doll baby poppets, so order early.

Burning petitions with the tea lights in banishing negativity burn ritual

A second way to participate is if you have had a general sense of negative events not brought on by any one particular person, but a combination of things, then a petition and tea light candle service is for you. This would be a way to ask the Heavens to lift off any general malaise and negativity sent your way. You will receive photos of your petitions being lit and smoked by the incense blend listed above. Each petition and tea light is $1.25 each.

Read more about the Banishing Burn by clicking here to go to the article.


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