Full Moon in Pisces | It’s a Blue Moon, too!


The Full Moon in Pisces occurs on August 31, 2012 at 8:59 am E.S.T. In addition, this Moon is conjunct, or in close orbit (within 10 degrees) to Chiron, a planet discovered in the 1977. The astrological energies of both of these two events are amplified. Chiron is named after a famed surgeon and healer in Greek mythology and is aptly names because of the emergence of holistic health and healing modalities that were founded and emerged during the late 70’s. The planet is sometimes associated with hands on chiropractic healing, Reiki and other methods using hands, as the translation of the word Chiron in Greek means, “The One who has Hands”. The Moon in Pisces, the fish, is one of the most psychic times of the year. Pisces is considered a “Mutable” water sign, meaning that it is emotional, erratic and deceptive.

The Full Moon is traditionally held as a time to do candle spell work, as the Moon is shrinking smaller (waning). The Full Moon in Pisces is considered a time to rest and retreat, as you could be subject to those who drain your energy with problems that you cannot fix. It is an opportune time to calculate candle spells for confusion and retribution so you can throw off your enemy’s attack. This Full Moon is also called a “Blue Moon”, as it is the second Full Moon in a month, with the first Full Moon occurring on August 1st. Read about the legend of Blue Moon by clicking here.

In addition to this Moon’s energies, this is a good time to “weed out” teachers and courses of study that may now work with your life any longer. Seeking the meaning of “it” all can lead you down many paths, some of which is not conducive to your core belief system, and “cleaning out your spiritual closets” would be a good time now. Follow a spiritual path that resonates with your heart and go with that, even if it is not mainstream and popular.

The next New Moon occurs on September 15, 2012.


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