Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Leo – Curb the Roaring!


The Full Moon in occurs on February 3, 2015 at 6:09 pm E.S.T.. This lunation, in the astrological sign of Leo, the Lion, is considered having the energy of a “Fixed” Fire sign, meaning the energy is aggressive, stable, constant, and unchangeable.
In addition, we have just crossed a mid-point in our three week Mercury Retrograde, set to end February 11th, and this is a challenging time for communication as Leo may incite strong communication (Planet Mercury) that may go awry. Be calm and cautious in your choice of words.

Full Moon time is traditionally considered ideal for doing candle rituals for banishment, reversal, repelling, decrease, and waning. Burning Reversible candles are more effective at this time. Since Mercury is the planet of communication, extra care should be placed on the words incanted or the written petition paper for these spells as a Mercury Retrograde jumbles things up and things could get misconstrued.

Other planetary influences are that Pallas is still very active and you are being cautioned to be careful with sharp objects. Be careful of your words as they could incite a riot in your world!

If you are feeling the effects of this harsh time, better to take everyone that you associate with and write their names on slips of paper and place them in a container of sugar. this will keep them ‘sweet’ until this cycle is finished on the 11th, then you can decide whether you want their names to stay in the sugar or you want to extract them and pour some Healing Oil over the papers and set alight outside in a tin pie pan.

The next New Moon will occur on February 18, 2015.


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