Currently Browsing: Mercury Retrograde

Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde May 2021 – The Second of Three this Year!

Free Candle Spells | Mercury Retrograde May 2021 – The Second of Three this Year! The second of three Mercury Retrograde periods occurs May 29th to June 22nd this year. Already passing the first one, the third and last one for 2021 will occur in late September-early October of this year. For the beginning of this second of three retrograde cycles for 2021, Mercury will be in the Air sign of Gemini, the twins. Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo and these might well be the two astrological signs most affected in this retrograde time. When a planet is in it’s own house of placement, we say that this planet is in it’s domicile (or home) placement. Mercury is considered the planet of Communication, so this is the area most affected during this time. You might see misunderstandings, wrong information or missed communications and meetings occur. With the changeability of  Gemini, and the fragile nature of Virgo, these two signs should consider careful choices in words when discussing important subjects or consider waiting until Mercury turns Direct and is moving forward again before broaching the subject. When the Sun sign changes to Cancer on June 21st, then those ruled by Cancer will have some feelings of communication problems with family and emotions affected. Now, June 20th is also the Summer Solstice, and the First Day of Summer, and while Mercury is in it’s last days of the retrograde period, lingering effects could happen for at least a week, which means all of us will feel some residual feelings of errors in communication with each other through to the last of June. What to Do Before a Mercury Retrograde? Some things to consider doing before the next Mercury retrograde is to back up computers and other electronics to their newest settings, and make sure all online billing issues are secured and paid before the 20th of May. Delay any truly important decisions such as signing a lease or mortgage papers, discussing a relationship and if at all possible, make sure e-mails and postal mail is sent in plenty of time to arrive at its destination before the deadline. This is not the time to have any mechanical repairs done if at all possible, as sometimes the technician will have to repeat the process to get things corrected. Unless it is an emergency, it is best to wait for any repairs or any major financial decisions until Mercury has stationed Direct again. What to Do During a Mercury Retrograde? Consider a Mercury Retrograde time as a “communication break”. Consider silently journaling your thoughts and plans for the next 3-6 months. The plans or resolutions made in January may have made a 90 degree turn and taking this three week period of time to regroup and refocus on the goal and the end result could be beneficial for you in determining long range plans.  You could also take a vacation from electronics as well, We are surrounded with radio and other frequencies that bombard us 24/7 and it might help you calm and center yourself during this time to unplug. All texts and phone calls do not need to be answered immediately (unless a true emergency) and taking time to embrace silence and enjoy distraction-free time could assist in sound, rational planning for you for the rest of 2021. This is also a time to do the mundane things we push to the back of the line because of the repetitive and boring nature of the task, This is the time to go through the mail, stapling and filing the invoices of credit cards and utilities into folders in your file cabinet. This is also a good time to go through that stack of magazines, tearing out...

Free Candle Spells | Mercury goes Retrograde on January 30, 2021 – Not Our First Rodeo!

Free Candle Spells | Mercury goes Retrograde on January 30, 2021 – Not Our First Rodeo!   Mercury goes Retrograde for the first of three times on January 30, 2021 in the astrological sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer. Aquarius, an Air sign, is one of the triplicate of signs that govern the element of Air, which rules the mental facilities, communications, and action areas of the zodiac. Air signs investigate, analyze, and make decisions based on intelligence and fact. Aquarius has as its specialty the nuance of the Good of Mankind in forward progress. The planet Mercury (planet of the astrological signs of Gemini and Virgo) is all about Communication. It rules the “how” we pass information to each other. Coupling that with the energy that Mercury has in regards to restlessness and motion, in a direct or forward moving traveling pattern, this planet eases action with quick thinking and possibilities, despite being good or bad, and the movement certainly is energizing. With Mercury being in retrograde, or “moving backward” through the sign of Aquarius, the progress that is currently in motion for the betterment of people may have “mixed signals and crossed communications” due to a lagging of said forward movement. This three week period may see stalled Governmental decisions, delays in mail coming by ways of traditional delivery methods, computers crashing, missed voicemail and other messages, and other communication devices appearing to have gone on strike, if deciding to completely die on us at all! Mid-January is the time to prepare online credit card payments for February, send checks out a little early, and making sure you do not sign any papers of importance (leases/mortgages/large purchases etc.) before reading over the contract more than once. Delay these final signatures if you can until mid-February. Personal communications may also be misconstrued and confusing, so make sure you read and re-read e-mails sent, as to defuse any hurt feelings. Relationship may also take a toll, and unfortunately this Retrograde period encompasses Valentine’s Day on February 14th, so make sure you are ready when you whisper sweet nothings into their ear that they do not mistake it for a proposal! Mercury Retrograde ends its first cycle on February 19th, in the astrological sign of Pisces, the Fish. Those of you who are empathetic and intuitive may feel “out of sorts” as the messages you are receiving may not make sense. You may have to wait for about a week after Mercury going direct (on the 19th) before some clarity to said messages is revealed and you can fully comprehend what was being parlayed to you. The next Mercury Retrograde period begins on May 31st and spans most of June 2021.  ...

Free Candle Spells | The Three Mercury Retrogrades in 2021

Free Candle Spells | The Three Mercury Retrogrades in 2021     Mercury Retrogrades occur three times a year, throwing havoc in our lives as communication goes haywire and it feels like we should curl up under the blankets for three weeks until it is over. While this is not feasible for us to do, here are the times to plan and look forward to guarding yourself to minimize Mercury’s effect on our lives.   January 30th, 2021 (Aquarius) – February 19th, 2021 (Pisces) May 31st, 2021 (Gemini) – June 21st, 2021 (Gemini) September 28th, 2021 (Libra) – October 16th, 2021 (Libra)   First Mercury Retrograde – January 30th through February 19, 2021 In this first Retrograde period, Mercury begins in the astrological sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer and finishes the retrograde in Pisces, the Fish. Since Mercury is the planet of Communication, in addition to affecting those born under the signs of Gemini and Virgo, and anyone whose birthday is in the timeline of mid-January to mid-February will also be affected a little more than others. Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius could affect the free speech of the Common Man, and the idea of Brotherhood could feel like a stretch at this time. Better to use your powers of silent meditation to bring together different factions of the World. Not only that, it affects Valentine’s Day on February 14th, so speak clearly the Language of Love, or else some sweet nothing might be misconstrued by your partner. When Mercury moves into Pisces, mental images and intuition may play some tricks on you, since the messages you may receive from the Universe may seem unclear and vague or conflicted. Use your powers of discernment and maybe a little divination to ask the Universe exactly what it means.   Second Mercury Retrograde – May 31st through June 21, 2021 This second Mercury Retrograde is in the astrological sign of Gemini, the Twins and stays in the sign of Gemini the entire time. Mercury already rules Gemini, so a double whammy on you, since messages could be bollocks up and the things you says might not come out of your mouth the way you wanted them to and may get misconstrued. Ah, talkative and social Gemini, take care when imbibing at the Happy Hour with co-workers, as you might spill the beans that weren’t meant for spillin’! After that, we have to endure the planet going Direct on the Summer solstice of June 21st – the longest day of the Year.  Bite your tongue as you bite that burger at the family barbecue, or else you’ll have a legion of family correcting your behavior.   Third Mercury Retrograde – September 28th through October 16, 2021 The last of three Mercury Retrogrades, misses the second family-oriented ‘fun’ holiday, Halloween, so things will go smoothly by the time the ghosts and goblins come out. This Retrograde time affects Libra, the Scales, whose “keeping things in balance”nature could really, really be challenging during this time. Libra, with their meaning to only see the best in everyone, is known for matter of factual truth and honesty, and if you are sensitive, you might not receive their words well. Understand that Libra rules fairly for a reason – they want all to be the best they can be. They will just be fair and balanced and may not take your side in events. Cry, then get over it. It is only three weeks that you have to work with this Air sign. Then things will return to some sort of normalcy for you. The best kept practices to weather a Mercury Retrograde is to slow down all aspects of your life. In this time, we are considered...

Free Candle Spells | The Six Stages of a Mercury Retrograde

Free Candle Spells | The Six Stages of a Mercury Retrograde     Mercury, our friendly planet of communication and all things Gemini and Virgo, has just turned from its second of three retrograde station to direct on July 12th, but the linger effects of this retrograde cycle will be with us for about another 7-10 days before things really turn back to the ‘normal’ normal. Remember that Mercury is the planet that rules communication and information, so one of the lessons learned during each Retrograde is about your powers of understanding and expression. Most of the time, people worry about the actual Retrograde beginning and end days without considering events that lead up to that point. Let’s learn about all the different stages that makes up a Mercury Retrograde cycle. Pre-Retrograde Shadow ************************** This before-the-party time is considered the Retroshade time – a cosmic sounding word that describes when Mercury moves over the degrees positioning in the sky that they will be later going into Retrograde. it is like looking at the speedometer of the car and noticing that you are going 45 to 60 miles an hour, and then, once coming to that full stop, going in 45 – 60 mph again – but in reverse. This is the time that you gasp, puff out your chest and say, “Oh its ON!” The air is static with the electricity of uncertainty and this prelude to the big event can sometimes be more confusing and intense than the actual retrgrade. Subjects to be attended to and people will appear now and then will re-appear during the next three weeks that will make you do a double take with them. Mercury Stations Retrograde ******************************* This is the time when the tires has hit the tarmac and the pilot is applying full brakes to the plane. It pushes you back into the seat, bracing for either impact or a smooth slowing down. Communication is halted as everyone collects their minds to figure out what to do next. They are all waiting for the seat belt sign to turn off. Expect disorientation and the hustle and bustle of everyone trying to get off the plane at the same time.     Mercury Retrograde ********************** You have finally deplaned and are walking through the airport of chaos. It is like you are doing the moonwalk and no one is speaking a language you can understand. Expect travel delays and misunderstood communication. People from your past show up and you may have inadvertently encouraged them by trolling in their Instagram. Like your ex. The wobble of the Mercury sky reminds us of how our days are going – disconnected and slow. No one can understand you and its all Jabberwocky anyway, so the less said the better. Mercury Retrograde Conjuncts the Sun ****************************************** During a Retrograde, Mercury will do-si-do with whatever Sun is appearing in the cosmic sky. When they do, Mercury gets all jazzed like he just drank a Red Bull and increases his hi-jinks and buffoonery in order to make sure you get the full effect of his carnival ride. No slowing down for this one, you’ll be given clues to mysterious conversations and secret insights and clarity to what the heck has been going on. It gives you hope you can finish in one piece. Mercury Stations Direct ************************** Your next plane is paging you to board. You get into your seat, adjust the seat belt and look for the exit route. While listening to the overhead oxygen instructions, you start to contemplate this journey you have been on. This is the time that lessons are learned and patterns established will be implemented – or not. Outcomes from the trip are...

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